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Resources - International Contact, Inc.


Below is a list of resources to assist those who may not speak English as a first language. 

Smiling multiracial woman with Afro hairstyle wearing headset using laptop computer for video connection, consults client online, working remotely from home office


Below is a list of resources to assist those who may not speak English as a first language. 

Here to Serve You

City governments, federal agencies, ethnic non-profit groups as well as businesses are attempting to reach out to the non-English-speaking population to provide direct assistance, and we’d like to help in this endeavor. We will list upcoming public meetings that can have language support available if you let them know you are interested in attending.

In addition, below is a list of contact information we have learned about through our translation services. Although far from exhaustive, it will hopefully provide some ideas of how an hour at the library searching for reliable sources can pay off.

Take a Look at These Helpful Resources

City of Oakland | Equal Access and Inclusion ( May 8, 2001 the City of Oakland, California, became the first city in the nation to pass an Equal Access to Services Ordinance (EAO) with the purpose of removing language barriers that limited-English speakers may have in accessing City services.

Overcoming language barriers is particularly important given the nation’s continued trend to a more multi-ethnic, multilingual population. Full access to government is a fundamental mechanism to promote equal opportunities in America’s diverse community, in so doing Oakland strengthens a healthier society.

Phone: (510) 238-2368 Fax: (510) 238-2223

All types of homeownership help in English and Spanish.
Telephone: (202) 708-1112 TTY: (202) 708-1455

The link below offers a variety of health information related to lead poisoning prevention in children.

California is the first state in the nation to launch an effort to help working Californians without bank accounts open starter accounts. “Bank on California,” will help more low- and middle-income Californians establish savings, build a credit history, gain access to lower-cost sources of credit and invest for the future.

The Energy Partners Program provides income-qualified customers free energy education, weatherization measures and energy-efficient appliances to reduce gas and electric usage.

CARE program provides a 20 percent discount on monthly bills for qualified low- or fixed-income households and housing facilities. Qualifications are based on the number of people living in your home and your total annual household income.

Family Electric Rate Assistance (FERA) is Pacific Gas and Electric Company’s rate reduction program for large households of three or more people with low- to middle-income.

The League of Women Voters publishes voter guides in 2-4 languages for each election. Participating in government improves your community’s fortunes.

Your Needs Above All Else

Working for top advertising agencies has made us sensitive to the special needs of cost and time without sacrificing personalized service. We offer standard rates, rush rates and “dedicated services” rates for when it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight.


We are Woman Owned and Immigrant Owned. So you can be sure that we bring the immigrant experience and American know-how to each project we take on.

Why Our Clients Love Us

"International Contact is one of our language providers (for) Translation and Language Services, and I believe they are doing an outstanding job! They are much needed in the City of Oakland, the Bay Area, and I'm sure throughout California."

- Noel Gallo, Oakland City Council Member

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