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Industries Served - International Contact, Inc.

Industries Served

Language may be unique to different communities and geographic areas, but the need to communicate is universal. Whatever your industry, we're here to help.

Casual portrait of an african american business woman using technology in a bright and sunny startup with the team in the background

Industries Served

Language may be unique to different communities and geographic areas, but the need to communicate is universal. Whatever your industry, we're here to help.

Translation for Your Industry

We are proud to provide quality translation and interpretation services for a wide variety of industries. After all, wherever there are people, there is a need to communicate, and the further you spread your net, the bigger need there is for multilingual communication. A lot of our work falls into the following categories, but if you don’t see your industry on the list, just get in touch to see how we can help you.


County & City Governments

In our increasingly diverse social landscape, local governments are met with the challenge of getting important and timely communications out to community members who don’t speak English as their first language. This involves not only a distribution issues, but it also means making room in the budget for translation, graphic design work, etc.

Our low-cost model gives city governments more room to provide communication materials to a more diverse audience without breaking the budget.


Federal & State Agencies

Federal and State agencies wanting to comply with inclusivity laws and reach all their constituents, have to effectively communicate on a regular basis in a wide variety of ways. Accurate translation is vital to ensure that messages are being sent out and received without errors or ambiguity. Our translation services make use of experienced, native speakers with knowledge of the subject matter, to achieve this level of quality.


Ethnic Non-Profit Groups

Non-profit organizations often have an international presence and need to communicate with immigrants in their native tongue. You may need to coordinate a shipment of supplies or solicit donations abroad, or you need to show people how to wear a mask in 15 languages in the USA. Our native translators will ensure that nothing is lost in translation.



In our increasingly global economy, there are more and more occasions to do business with people in other countries or different ethnic markets. Business meetings, trade shows, and even video conference calls increase your need for translation services to make sure you close that deal on the right terms. A native translator goes far in making this happen.


Marketing Agencies

Marketing is all about communication. You have a message to get out, a story to tell, and products and services to sell. This often means reaching out to different segments of the population or potential customers in other countries. This is one situation where you could lose out on a whole market segment if your translation isn’t on point.

Our native talent can not only translate your marketing collateral into the proper vernacular of your target audience, but they can do so with the same creative flair needed for an effective marketing campaign.

Your Needs Above All Else

Working for top advertising agencies has made us sensitive to the special needs of cost and time without sacrificing personalized service. We offer standard rates, rush rates and “dedicated services” rates for when it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight.


We are Woman Owned and Immigrant Owned. So you can be sure that we bring the immigrant experience and American know-how to each project we take on.

Why Our Clients Love Us

"International Contact is one of our language providers (for) Translation and Language Services, and I believe they are doing an outstanding job! They are much needed in the City of Oakland, the Bay Area, and I'm sure throughout California."

- Noel Gallo, Oakland City Council Member

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